Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Stimulate Economy Now - Don't Wait Until January 09

Further to my last blog, in regards to the stagnating and downward spiral of the North American Economy - and the upcoming Christmas retail season.

In past recessions dating back to the dirty thirties, goverments did things like "make-work" projects locally, and large infrastructure projects nationally; injecting much needed cash into the economy and getting it working again.

In recent years, including the most recent "mortgage fiasco" governments are proposing of buying up the bad assets, taking voting positions and control in the USA alone to the tune of $170 Billion dollars - and that still might not be the final figure.

In the 1980's and 1990's, governments bought their way out of depessions and possible recessions by injecting large sums of cash to get the economy humming again.

Consumer confidence and economic cash flow, in the short term - may also be achieved by the goverment injecting cash directly to the voters. If the governments are going to give this money to Wall Street, to correct their mistakes and the people on Main Street are the ones who are paying for it - make it worth their while. Send pre-load credit cards with $1,000 BEFORE CHRISTMAS, to every registered voter in the United States of America ( and other countries may wish to do this on a pro-rata basis of what they give to their banks, too). US government is giving $700 Billion to possibly 2 or 3 Trillion dollars to the banks to stabilize the US Economy; then send these $1,000 pre-loaded credit cards to the estimated 176 million registered voters of Main Street USA (approximately costing $176 Billion Dollars US), and I would hazard a good guess that Main Street will spend that money into getting the Economy back on line.

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